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Ancient Egyptian Clothing

Ancient Egyptians valued cleanliness and personal hygiene. They believed that cleanliness was synonymous with holiness, so they took extra efforts to take care of their bodies, and one of the ways they did that was through their clothing.

Ancient Egyptian letters

Scholars, philosophers, and even archeologists have often referred to Egypt as the cradle of civilization.

Ancient Egyptian Festivals

Ancient Egyptians were very social and religious people. They worshiped many gods and goddesses and held these deities in high regard.

Burial Ceremonies and Famous Egyptian Burial Sites

Funerals and other burial rituals was a very important event in ancient Egypt. It is believed that after death, the dead began their journey through the underworld to the hall of judgment, where they would be judged and, if found worthy, allowed to proceed into the afterlife.

Famous Queens in Ancient Egypt

Unlike most civilizations of the ancient world, women were a crucial part of ancient Egyptian society; they were almost as important as men.

Ancient Egyptian Art

Egypt has been occupied for thousands of years and can be considered as the cradle of human civilization, the ancient Egyptian civilization was a very advanced one, who made advances in religion, medicine, and arts.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia there live the blind texts.