(100% Secure) delivery without contacting the courier.
Yes, we ship all products to most continents and countries across the world. You can order online and the order will be shipping to your home door by the most trustworthy shipping couriers with a tracking code number. we will still follow up with you until you receive your order. Now we offer free shipping worldwide for orders above $99.
Now we offer free shipping worldwide for orders above $99. for orders below $99. the shipping cost is $30.
Once you place your order, our team swiftly prepares your items for shipping. This preparation time varies according to the product type or material. On averages, it takes 3 to 5 business days to prepare your order and 7 business days for shipping.
For handmade products, it may take up to 7 business days to prepare the handmade item and 7 days for shipping. Some antique products require investigation from three specialized committees and archaeologists from the Egyptian Ministry of Antiques before shipping to ensure that it is only a replica, not an original piece. Usually, this process takes up to 5 days, they will be shipped. Your patience is highly appreciated.
We ship From Egypt as all of the Pieces are genuinely handmade by Egyptian Hands imitating our Ancient Egyptian grandparents Techniques.
All sales on Ready-to- Order parcels are final and non-refundable. However, we accept returns and exchanges in case the item you have received arrives defective. In this case, you have to send back the item in a maximum of 14 days. As long as it remains in its original new condition, unworn, unaltered, and free of any damage by the customer. We guarantee a full refund upon receipt (excluding delivery charges) or exchange the item.
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