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Best Souvenirs to Get From Egypt

Egypt is a beautiful country filled with numerous wonders from the beauty all around the river Nile, to the ancient pyramids which stand as one of the greatest wonders of the world, to the great sphinx and so much more.

Ancient Egyptian Cartouches

Ancient Egyptians, as most people know, were one of the most technologically advanced people of their time.

The History of Ancient Egyptian Jewelry

It is no surprise that ancient Egyptian civilization had the best and the most valued jewelry in all of the ancient world. In this article, we shall be discussing extensively ancient Egyptian jewelry, their value, how they were made, what they were used for, and how ancient Egyptian jewelry designs are still in our current […]

Ancient Egyptian’s Afterlife Beliefs

Death was considered a transitional period for ancient Egyptians. They thought that death is a mere stop to then pass to eternity. This was reflected in their beliefs and behavior.

Food in the Pharaonic era

The ancient Egyptians ate a wide variety of food. Their diet was low in fat, and rich in fiber and carbohydrates. The Nile gave Egypt fertile land which ensured an abundant and variable food supply. This resulted in a highly-diverse and complex cuisine.

Ancient Egyptian’s houses

Ancient Egyptians had a pretty unassuming exterior, the houses could be decorated very lavishly depending on the socio-economic class.

Ancient Egyptian civilization

Ancient Egyptian civilization left an indelible mark on history with its monumental achievements and advanced technology. With many of life’s necessities provided by the Nile.

Sacred Monkeys in Ancient Egypt

One of the most cherished pets in ancient Egypt was a monkey. The ancient Egyptians treated this intelligent creature with overwhelming adoration. This is evidenced by the recent discovery of monkeys being buried alongside the dead in tombs.

The Egyptian alabaster

The Egyptian Alabaster is a dense, calcium carbonate stone that has been mined near Hatnub, Egypt since the pre-dynastic period.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia there live the blind texts.